Always fill in your holes, including plowed fields, sand pits, beaches and in water. Always use the correct digging or probing equipment to make the least intrusion or marks.
Do not destroy property, buildings, or abandoned structures. Do not tamper with signs, structural facilities, or equipment. Build fires in designated or safe places only.
Leave gates to property as found. Protect the metal detecting hobby by being a good will ambassador at all times. Report the discovery of any items of possible significant historical value to a local historian or museum.
All treasure hunters may be judged by the example you set. Always conduct yourself with courtesy and consideration for others. Remember, all you want to leave behind are your footprints. Don’t steal your friend’s spots.
Always fill in your holes, including plowed fields, sand pits, beaches and in water. Always use the correct digging or probing equipment to make the least intrusion or marks.
Do not destroy property, buildings, or abandoned structures. Do not tamper with signs, structural facilities, or equipment. Build fires in designated or safe places only.
Leave gates to property as found. Protect the metal detecting hobby by being a good will ambassador at all times. Report the discovery of any items of possible significant historical value to a local historian or museum.
All treasure hunters may be judged by the example you set. Always conduct yourself with courtesy and consideration for others. Remember, all you want to leave behind are your footprints. Don’t steal your friend’s spots.
Respect private property and will not enter private property without the owner’s permission. Where possible, get permission in writing. Be patient, courteous, and helpful when approached by the public.
Always check federal, state, county and local laws before searching. It is my responsibility to “ know the law “. If you are asked to leave a place, just say, “Okay, sorry.” and leave.
Appreciate and protect our inheritance of natural resources, wildlife and private property. Always use the correct digging or probing equipment to make the least intrusion or marks.
Remove and properly dispose of any trash you find. Do not litter, clean up after yourself. Leave the area cleaner and better than when you arrived. Report all live ammunition and lethal objects to the police. Be responsible.
Respect private property and will not enter private property without the owner’s permission. Where possible, get permission in writing. Be patient, courteous, and helpful when approached by the public.
All treasure hunters may be judged by the example you set. Always conduct yourself with courtesy and consideration for others. Remember, all you want to leave behind are your footprints. Don’t steal your friend’s spots.
Appreciate and protect our inheritance of natural resources, wildlife and private property. Always use the correct digging or probing equipment to make the least intrusion or marks.
Remove and properly dispose of any trash you find. Do not litter, clean up after yourself. Leave the area cleaner and better than when you arrived. Report all live ammunition and lethal objects to the police. Be responsible.