Our members come from all around the Massachusetts and New England area.
We welcome anyone who enjoys metal detecting to attend a meeting and share our hobby.
Every 3rd Friday of the month we meet at Newton Presbyterian Church, 75 Vernon Street in Newton.
Doors open at 7:00 P.M Meeting begins at 7:45 P.M. Guests are always welcome.
Meeting Structure
- General business
- Raffle drawings (usually a 1oz. silver bullion coin or silver dollar. On average, we give away 7-10 depending on meeting size and current silver prices)
- Indian Head Penny Draw-winner takes home silver rounds or a “Dandy Don Silver Dime”
- NEW Silver bowl drawing. Bring 90% silver coin to enter. Winner takes all.
- 50-50 Cash Raffle
- Find-of-the-Month competition (silver coins are always awarded as prizes)
- Program (Speaker, Demonstrations, Video/Slide shows, etc…)
- Time between these, to rub elbows with members and guests
- Coffee, soft drinks and snacks are most always available